FAST Industry Day Programme
Abbey Road Studios, Studios 2, 2 pm – 8 pm
Demonstrations Start & Refreshments (2:00 pm – 2:25 pm)
Demonstrators on display were:
- Annalist (Graham Klyne, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford)
- Climb! Performance Archive (Chris Greenhalgh, Adrian Hazzard, Mengdie Lin, Steve Benford, Maria Kallionpää, University of Nottingham; Kevin Page, David Weigl, University of Oxford)
- Grateful Live (Thomas Wilmering, Florian Thalmann, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- FAST DJ (Florian Thalmann, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- MusicLynx (Alo Allik, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- rCALMA (David Weigl, Kevin Page, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford)
- SOFA (John Pybus, Dave de Roure, Graham Klyne, Kevin Page, David Weigl,, Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford)
- The Carolan Guitar (Steve Benford, Adrian Hazzard, Alan Chamberlain, Liming Xu, Juan Martinez Avila, Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham)
- FXive (Josh Reiss, Adan Benito, Parham Bahadoran,Thomas Vassallo, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Jam with Jamendo (Johan Pauwels, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- The Hexaphonic Guitar (Dalia Senvaityte, Johan Pauwels, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Notes and Chords (Ken O’Hanlon, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Deep Pedal (Beici Lang, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- SeparatED (Delia Fano Yela, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Sample Surfer & Audio Texture (Audio Commons project) (George Fazekas, Alessia Milo, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Freesound & Timbral Explorer (Audio Commons project) (Frederic Font, Xavier Sera, Pompeu Fabra University & Andy Pearce, Saied Safavi, University of Surrey)
- Sonic Visualiser (Chris Cannam, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- Intelligent Music Production (Dave Moffat, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary)
- SALT (poster) (David Weigl, Kevin Page, University of Oxford)
- Numbers into Notes (poster) (Dave de Roure, Mattew Wilcoxson, University of Oxford)
Welcome & Short Introdcution (2:25 pm – 2:30 pm): Lord Tim-Clement Jones (Chair of Council, Queen Mary University of London followed by Mark d’Inverno (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Talks (2:30 pm – 3:30 pm)
2:30 pm: FAST Forward
Mark Sandler (Principal Investigator), Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
Music’s changing fast: FAST’s changing music! The FAST EPSRC Programme Grant – Fusing Audio & Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption – led from Queen Mary is looking at new technologies to disrupt the recorded music industry. As well as the team from QM, we will showcase some of the work from partners Nottingham and Oxford, and we hope that by the end of the FAST Industry day, you’ll have some idea how AI and the Semantic Web can couple with Signal Processing to overturn conventional ways to produce and consume music. Along the way, you’ll be able to preview some cool new ideas, apps and technology that the FAST team will be showcasing to industry.
2:45 pm: Semantic Player Technology in Using Future Music Consumption Products
Florian Thalmann, Centre for Digital Music,Queen Mary University of London and Tracy Redhead, The University of Newcastle, Australia.
Florian Thalmann, researcher at the Centre for Digital Music and Tracy Redhead, a musician and researcher, will showcase two works that were created as part of a FAST artist residence and collaboration. The works utilise the semantic player technology to demonstrate the potential of using semantic web technologies in future music consumption products. In particular, the works are instances of dynamic music which includes music that changes with the listeners context, offers ways to interact, or is composed using generative and algorithmic material. The first work is influenced by the weather, time of day and location of the listener, whereas the second work will sound unique in all locations globally.
3:00 pm: Audio Commons: Bringing Creative Commons Content to the Creative Industries
George Fazekas, Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
This talk will outline the Audio Commons Initiative which addesses the challenges associated with using creative commons content in the professional audio production environment. The talk will highlight advances in Semantic Audio made in the EU funded Audio Commons project.
3:10 pm: The Carolan Guitar, an Acoustic Guitar That Tells its Life Story
Adrian Hazzard, Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham
The Carolan Guitar is an instrument that can tell its own story. Carolan uses a unique visual marker technology embedded in its decorative patterns that enables the physical instrument to tell the craft of its making, show the players that have performed with it, the places it’s visited, and the many songs it has sung.
3:20 pm: Play it Again! Use it Together – an Exhibition by Open Music Archive feat. 51 Architects
Ben White, Centre for Digital Music / Media Arts and Technology, Queen Mary University of London
Play it Again! Use it Together turns an archive into site of production by ripping out-of-copyright sounds from 78 rpm records to generate an evolving public resource which is used as material for a series of public events with invited guests and collaborators.
Demonstrations & Refreshments cont’d (3:30 pm – 4:40 pm)
Performance (4:40 pm – 5:00 pm): Climb!
Maria Kallionpää (performer), Adrian Hazzard & Chris Greenhalgh (system tech), Hans Peter Gasselseder (ambisonic recording)
Climb! is a classical composition that uses a self-playing Disklavier piano duetting alongside the pianist. This is controlled by software (Muzicodes and MELD) connected to the piano, which responds to phrases that the pianist plays. Projected visuals and a mobile app give more clues about what is happening. Composer and pianist Maria Kallionpää will perform Climb!.
Panel & Panel Discussion (5:00 pm – 5:50 pm)
Chaired by: Professor Mark d’Inverno (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Panelists included: Jon Eades (The Rattle), Maria Kallionpää (Hong Kong Baptist University), Peter Langley (Origin UK), Paul Saunders (state51), Tracy Redhead (University of Newcastle, Australia)