Thursday 26 April, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End
Professor Mark Sandler gave his talk ‘FAST Forward’ on the FAST project on Thursday 26 April in a keynote talk at the Queen Mary’s Ideas Unwrapped yearly event.
Talk summary:
Music’s changing fast: FAST’s changing music! The FAST EPSRC Programme Grant – Fusing Audio & Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption – led from Queen Mary is looking at new technologies to disrupt the recorded music industry. As well as the team from QM, we will showcase some of the work from partners Nottingham and Oxford, and we hope by the end of it, you’ll have some idea what we mean by Signal Processing and the Semantic Web. Even if you don’t, you’ll preview some cool new ideas, apps and technology that the team will be showcasing to industry at Abbey Road Studios in the Autumn.
You can listen to Prof. Sandler’ talk online: