Tuesday 14 July / 9am – 2pm; 3 – 5 pm / FACTLab, Liverpool / FREE
Performers often find ways of playing musical instruments that differ from the designer’s original intent. Join this “hackable instruments” session to explore creative and unexpected uses of digital instruments.
Each participant will receive a D-Box,, a simple electronic instrument that has been purpose-designed to be as hackable as possible. D-Boxes can be opened up and then completely rewired to produce new sonic effects. Participants will learn to play, explore and modify their D-Boxes, share these skills with others and swap instruments to compare hacks.
For more information see here.
Following the workshop, take part in a D-Box performance, or get involved with the Carolan Guitar workshop in the FACT Bar from 3pm.
This workshop was supported by the The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [Grant number: EP/L019981/1 The FAST IMPACt Project]